Hi all,
So, I’ve got some good news and some other news, which may be bad, sort of…
First the good news: my next book “Shadow Soul” releases tomorrow, Friday October the 26 2018! This book is the second in my “Blood of Dragons” series, and follows Jais, Caerwyn, and Barami who face new threats, and find new allies, as they journey north in search of more drahksani.
Now for the bad news (maybe). Work on the third book in the Blood of Dragons series has not gone as scheduled. Some major rewrites (and working a little too much on the next two trilogies after this) means I’m behind at the moment. Luckily I’ve got some time to work on this, and I’m putting in a big push to get the revisions done quickly. So the release date (spring of 2019) is a bit up in the air. I might meet that, or it might be delayed a little into the summer. We’ll see how things work out.
This shouldn’t affect future release dates, as the other six (yes six) books I’m working on are all coming along nicely.
Thanks for you patience and enjoy the new book!