Hi All,
Soul Binding, the final book in my Blood of Dragons trilogy is available now!
Also box sets of my Guardians of Light Series, and my Seven Kingdoms Series are also available on Amazon.
Let the Adventure Begin!
Hi All,
Soul Binding, the final book in my Blood of Dragons trilogy is available now!
Also box sets of my Guardians of Light Series, and my Seven Kingdoms Series are also available on Amazon.
Apologies for the delays in the release of Soul Binding, the final book in “The Blood of Dragons” series. It took a lot longer to finish this than expected, with several complete rewrites. Also my cover artist isn’t available until later this year.
The hope is to have this book out before the end of November.
But… now for more not-so-good news. Life has also been getting in the way a bit more recently. I have several books in the works, but it may be a bit of time before they are ready for release.
I hope you all can wait a bit for the next R. Michael Card novel. I promise it will be worth the wait.
Hi all,
So, I’ve got some good news and some other news, which may be bad, sort of…
First the good news: my next book “Shadow Soul” releases tomorrow, Friday October the 26 2018! This book is the second in my “Blood of Dragons” series, and follows Jais, Caerwyn, and Barami who face new threats, and find new allies, as they journey north in search of more drahksani.
Now for the bad news (maybe). Work on the third book in the Blood of Dragons series has not gone as scheduled. Some major rewrites (and working a little too much on the next two trilogies after this) means I’m behind at the moment. Luckily I’ve got some time to work on this, and I’m putting in a big push to get the revisions done quickly. So the release date (spring of 2019) is a bit up in the air. I might meet that, or it might be delayed a little into the summer. We’ll see how things work out.
This shouldn’t affect future release dates, as the other six (yes six) books I’m working on are all coming along nicely.
Thanks for you patience and enjoy the new book!
Hi all,
I recently released my next book, Soul Seeking, which is the first in a trilogy called “The Blood of Dragons” and follows the stories of Jais and Caerwyn (Care-win) as they find out more about their heritage.
The second book, tentatively titled: Shadow Soul, should be available some time in the fall. And if all goes well, the third book, tentatively titled: Soul Binding, will be out next spring.
I hope you enjoy them!
I just can’t wait!
My next book, “The King’s Outlaw” releases next Friday, March 9th!. It’s got a beautiful cover and I love these characters.
Here’s the blurb for it!
Dalia was a normal young noblewoman, bored with her privileged life. She’d read too many stories of heroes and maidens and when offered a life of adventure, she took it. But what she thought was a blessing turns out to be a curse. Now she has strange abilities and can fight like a demon, even if she can’t recall what she does while in ‘The Fury’. When Col rescues her from Lord Gariast’s men, she finds he’s the only person who understands her.
Together they must save the kingdom from the wrath of Lord Gariast who will stop at nothing to claim every ounce of power he can. But he is a formidable foe, and there are other dark forces at work behind the maniacal lord which are even more fearsome.
Hi all
The last book in the Guardians of Light Series is now here!
To buy it: click here.
This book details the unlikely coming together of a woman of purest heart (Cassine) and a man of vilest evil (Davar).
Cassine is a simple woman, who has kept her magical powers a secret from nearly everyone around her. This is partly out of caution, but mostly from her modesty. She feels no need to make anything grand of her abilities. She is a healer and loves to help others. That has been her entire life…until she met Davar.
Davar is the son of the Blacklord, the most powerful and evil man in existence. He has always had his father’s voice inside his mind, guiding him… until now. For the first time he is on his own, can make his own choices, and that terrifies him. When his soul is inexplicably linked with the purity of Cassine’s he begins to see another path, another option for him, as unlikely and distant as that option may seem.
But the only way for the Blacklord to be defeated is if these two, along with the heroes from The Last Scion, and Scion Rising, venture together to destroy him. It will be a perilous journey and not everyone may survive…
To buy it: click here.
I hope you’ve enjoyed these books.
Check back in the spring of 2018 for my next book: The King’s Outlaw
Hi all,
The second book in my Guardians of Light series is available today!
This book continues the struggles of our heroes against the oppressive evil of the Blacklord and his minions. Senia and Emberthorn return, but the main story focuses on a new couple:
Wyllea is a weary warrior, trapped behind enemy lines and starting to question her sanity. She’s been hearing a persistent voice in her mind for days now and it doesn’t show any sign of letting up. She desperately hopes that finding food and getting some rest will cure her ails, but that is not to be.
Tyrol is a survivor. He’s escaped the press gangs and managed not to join the Blacklord’s armies by living in the wild. But as the darkness spreads and the lands die out, that is growing harder and harder. He needs to find a way to escape the Blacklord’s domain.
When these two meet it will spark a series of events, which will change both of their lives forever. To read the first chapter, click here.
These books are a bit of a divergence from my previous stories in that they have a very strong romantic plot line.
I hope you enjoy it!
Hi all,
It’s finally here! My next book: The Last Scion, releases today!
This is the beginning of my Guardians of Light series, which tells the tales of those who fight against the oppressive evil of the Blacklord and his minions. Each book details the story of a specific couple:
The Last Scion features Arhn – the warrior monk, Senia – a blacksmith’s daughter, and Emberthorn – the sword which brings them together. To read the first chaper, click here.
These books are a bit of a divergence from my previous stories in that they have a very strong romantic plot line.
More information will come out in the following weeks about the next books.
I hope you enjoy this new story!
So, I know it’s been a LONG time since my first few books came out, but there has been a lot of work going on behind the scenes. Mostly it’s frantic writing and editing to meet my own ambitious deadlines. I am going to aim for releasing three books a year for the next few years.
To kick that off, my Guardians of Light Series (The Last Scion, Scion Rising, and Scion’s Sacrifice) will be releasing…this year in the next few months. The scheduled release dates are:
Keep your eyes open for contests to win Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs) of the book BEFORE it is released!
These books are a bit of a change from my original works, with a bit more of a romance focus mixed in with my usual fantasy settings and characters. So if you like stories of people finding love in trouble times, then these are for you!
So it took a little longer to get Swordmaster out than I had hoped. Part of that was a delay in the editing, but part of that was my fault as well. I’ve been busy, very busy.
Since last summer I’ve written two novels (and just started another one), and on top of that Swordmaster was one of FOUR books which were in the process of being edited that I am hoping to get out this year!
So keep an eye out for my Guardians of Light Series (a bit of a divergence for me – experimenting with the romance side of fantasy), two novellas and one novel in the same world which will be release later this year.
As for the novels I’m working on at the moment, I don’t want to start putting those out until I have all of the trilogy either completed or close to it. So I’m hoping that all three will be ready for a 2016 release!
So yes, my apologies, but I am trying not to be a “one book every couple of years” sort of author, which means sometimes things get bumped around a little as I work on other projects.
But Swordmaster is here now. I hope you enjoy it!